family | Funny

7 Reasons to Grin during National Smile Week

Reasons to grin

Put on your happy face and grin from ear-to-ear because it’s National Smile Week! This cheerful holiday is celebrated during the second week of August each year. National Smile Week was originally created to promote dental health, but over the years it has turned into a time to encourage healthy habits and share the positive effects of smiling! In honor of this joyous week, here are seven reasons to grin:

  1. It’s easy to smile
  2. Smiling is good for your health
  3. It’s fun to smile
  4. When you smile, you get to show off those pearly whites!
  5. Smiling makes you feel better when you’re sad
  6. When you smile, it makes other people happy
  7. Smiling leads to laughing

Why do you and your little ones enjoy smiling?

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