crafts | fall

Fall-Tastic Crafts with Leaves

A beautiful feature of autumn is the leaves falling to the ground. Naturally, children can play around in the piles of leaves. However, there are many other ways to utilize the leaves during the autumn months.

Foliage Friends: Help your children pick out a bunch of leaves from the yard. They can glue the leaves onto a piece of paper and draw different shapes to resemble animals or other creative images that appear in their minds.

Leaf Bracelets: Gather up some string and create a leaf bracelet. You can poke holes in the leaves to string them together!

Leaf Crown: Your children will be the kings and queens of fall with the leaf crowns. Again, poke holes in the leaves and string them together. Or you can even glue the leaves together and attach string to just the ends to create the leaf crown.

Leaf Drawings: Collect leaves from the yard and cut them in half. Glue the halves of the leaves that have been collected onto a piece of paper. Suggest to your kids to draw the other half of the leaves next to the original leaf.

There are endless amounts of crafts you and your kids can create with leaves. What activities have you done that involve leaves?

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