dog bath | fun

National Dog Day - Step2 Style

Protector, companion, and best friend are some of the job titles that dogs fulfill each day. Every August 26th, we honor our furry friends with their own holiday, National Dog Day! The dog days of summer are winding down and we are treating one of our cool pooches to a spa day, Step2 style!

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The Step2 Play & Shade Pool can also be used as a dog bath! We filled our pool with warm tap water and Brooklyn enjoyed a relaxing bath outside.

Did you know that Americans spent a total of $5.41 billion on pet grooming and boarding in 2015?

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What spa day wouldn’t be complete without a snack?
Brooklyn’s favorite treats include dog biscuits, bacon flavored treats, and rawhide chews.

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What kind of treat does your dog enjoy on National Dog Day?

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