We’ve partnered with PowerReviews to launch the newest addition to Step2.com, BuzzBoard. BuzzBoard rewards our customers with points for writing reviews, following fellow reviewers, and subscribing to have reviews sent to her Facebook news feeds. Customers can see a list of the shoppers with the most points on Step2.com. Customers can use the points to earn badges and bragging rights among fellow users.
Every time you contribute to Step2.com, you’ll earn points. You’ll also help improve the shopping experience for thousands of other customers like yourself. As your points add up, you will earn higher levels of badges, identifying you as a key influencer on our site. Earn over 500 points and you will be the Step2 “Queen Bee!”
You can start earning social loyalty points today. Just visit any product page on Step2.com and click “Write a Review” to get started. For more information, visit http://www.step2.com/loyalty/