crafts | DIY

Say Cheese! Toy Camera for Mini Photographers

fridiy toy camera

Say cheese and smile! There are so many ways little ones can use their imagination while being creative. This month, we’ve created a craft that incorporates artistic and pretend play! All of the supplies are products that you may already have in your home. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • Empty tissue box
  • Wrapping paper
  • 3 Paper cups
  • Tape
  • Non-toxic glue
  • Sponge
  • Scissors
  • Black marker
  • Pen or pencil (optional)

toy camera supplies

With these household items you’ll be able to make a toy camera for your budding photographers! Kids can pretend to take pictures with their camera inside or outside. The best feature of this camera is that it’ll never run out of batteries because it’s fueled by imagination!

  1. Trace the base of the cup onto the bottom of the tissue box.
  2. Cut out the traced circle.
  3. Cut out the base of the cup (repeat this step for the other two paper cups).
  4. Place one of the cups inside of the tissue box. Ensure the mouth of the cup is sticking out of the box.
  5. Cover the tissue box in wrapping paper. Make sure the cup on both sides of the box remains unwrapped.
  6. Glue the other cups inside of the first cup, one at a time. This will make the lens of the camera longer. It’ll take about two hours for non-toxic glue to dry.
  7. Cut a portion of a sponge into a square.
  8. Glue the piece of the sponge onto the side of the tissue box that will be the considered the top of the camera. This will be the button that kids press to take pictures! It’ll take about two hours for non-toxic glue to dry. You can also draw a flash area diagonal to the button.

toy camera tutorial

Now your little photographers are ready to start snapping pictures! To promote make believe fun, ask your kids to describe the pictures they have taken with the camera to you.

toy camera pin

Will you be making this toy camera with your family this weekend?

Manufacturer’s Note: Adult supervision is required.

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