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Customer Stories: Step2 Spring is Arriving Soon!

WinterThe Step2 Consumer Service Department is located at Step2’s World Headquarters in Streetsboro, Ohio. This weekend snow began to melt and we had a 50 degree day, in February that’s just balmy for northeast Ohio!

Our Consumer Experience Specialists are busy taking calls from customers who are excited for Spring 2016! In addition to ordering new items, our team receives many requests from excited parents who wish to repair and clean up existing toys, so they look great and are ready for another season of smiles and fun! Whether it be a new set of wheels for an All Around Wagon that traveled the globe, a replacement slide for a Neighborhood Fun Center lost during a winter move or purchase of a MailMaster Plus Mailbox that didn’t survive that little incident with a snowplow. Sometimes it’s as simple as refreshing your item with new decals. Everyone seems to be getting excited for Spring!

Some questions we often hear have to do with, “can Step2 products really be left outside all year?” Generally speaking, YES!, however some weather conditions throughout the country pose more of a challenge than others. Many Step2 products are specifically designed for outdoor use and are extremely durable, however there is less maintenance if protected during inclement weather. Please see instructions that came with your product or visit Step2.com for details. Plastic resin used in Step2 products has been tested successfully at temperatures as low as 32 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. We highly recommend bringing swings (the rope can become rough and brittle), water products, and other specially noted products indoors during extreme cold and/or snow.
Should you be the proud owner of a swing set, we advise that you check all nuts and bolts, tighten if necessary or call to replace if needed. You may also want to check your swings for wear, ensuring they are safe.

Often, callers will reach out to ask, “how can I drain water from my Step2 product?” Based on the manufacturing process, it’s possible moisture may collect and appear trapped in a portion of your product. Depending on the product, we may recommend a number of options, please call us if you ever have any questions.

As with anything, routine maintenance will preserve the appearance and longevity of your Step2 product. We recommend periodic inspection, cleaning of the surface area and general attention based upon individual usage. Under certain environmental circumstances, it is possible a product may develop a dull appearance due to dirt, mildew or mold. Our team generally recommends cleaning Step2 products with hot water and a soft brush using only mild dish soap. Should mold ever occur, there are various products available on the market to remove mold or mildew. Please be sure to wipe product clean with hot, soapy water afterwards, to ensure removal of any cleaning residue. Odors can usually be remedied with a 50/50 vinegar and water solution. Finally, it’s very important to know when company arrives, so please don’t forget to check the doorbell on your playhouse!

So which Step2 product will kick off your Spring 2016?

If you ever have any questions or need to purchase parts for your Step2 product, always reach out first to our Consumer Experience Specialists at 1-800-347-8372, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST or email Step2-company@step2.net.

We look forward to speaking with you!

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