holiday 2011 | Just BeCause

$10,000 Donation to Saving tiny Hearts Society

In the United States alone, one in 125 newborns suffer from a congenital heart defect (CHD), making it America’s number one birth defect. The Saving tiny Hearts Society is committed to funding CHD research, extending the lives of children born with a CHD today and those 50 years from now.

In appreciation for the efforts of the Saving tiny Hearts Society, Step2 pledged $10,000 as part of the holiday 2011 contest to support CHD research in hopes of erasing this life-threatening condition forever.

“At Step2 we are a big extended family and some of our own have been affected by Congenital Heart Defects,” said Jerry McDermott, chief marketing officer.” As part of our Just BeCause program to reach out and do something good, we are able to touch the lives of others who want their children to be well and need attention on a cause for further research and development.”

StHS donation
Our CMO Jerry along with his wife Donna delivered the $10,000 donation to Francie and Brian at the Saving tiny Hearts Society

“We’re thrilled Step2 is a member of the Saving tiny Hearts Family,” said Francie Paul, the Chairman and President of the Saving tiny Hearts Society. “This donation is funding promising CHD research in hopes of finding a cure. We are eternally grateful for their continued support.”

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