Press and News

The August Blockstravaganza!

This offer ended on 8/28/06

Soft & Sturdy Blocks!

Boo-yah! I’m excited about this promo we launched today. For two weeks (ends 8/28/06) we’re going to be offering FREE shipping on our Soft & Sturdy Jumbo Blocks ($34.99) and Soft & Sturdy Deluxe Blocks ($49.99)! Speaking from experience, these blocks are loads of fun!

What’s so great about them? Well, let’s see…

  • They’re soft and light, so you can throw them without worrying about hurting any furniture or people (or your boss)
  • They float, so you can take them to the lake, or the bathtub
  • They’ve got this funky low-tack texture that lets you stack them at minor angles without slipping
  • They’re soft and light, so you can throw them…oops, already mentioned that.

If your kids will allow it, you can steal one of the little cylinders and use it as sort of a stress ball. I’ve been throwing one around my cube for a few months now, and it just never gets old!

Convinced yet? If not, just trust me. Order a set, hand it off to your kids, and you will be. These blocks will help them to think, create, and innovate. Surely you remember how much fun your blocks were during your childhood — why are you holding out on your kids?!?

OK, sorry, I know this is sort of sounding like an ad. I can’t help it–these blocks are just that much fun!

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