Hints and Tips | Pinterest

Different Ways to Shop

Picking out the ideal gift for your little ones can be tough. Step2 wants to make shopping as easy as possible so you can spend more time with your family during the holidays! Check out the different ways you can find Step2 toys that are a perfect match for the special kids in your life:

Toy Match (Powered by Lela.com): Find the perfect toy! When you are on Step2.com, within moments a yellow box pops up that will direct you to a quiz to help you find products that match what you are looking for based your likes and preferences. You can also access the quiz by clicking the yellow bar at the top of Step2.com or by clicking the yellow box on the left hand side of each category page. ToyMatch will help you purchase the most meaningful gift!

Pinterest: Pinterest is a great place to bookmark all of the toys you have looked at all year long. We have made it easy for you and compiled a list the most pinned toys on Step2.com. Were any of these products pinned to one of your Pinterest boards?

most pinned
Ecatalog (Powered by Catalogs.com): Flip through this digital catalog that contains all of our customers’ holiday favorites. With a variety of toys to choose from, it will give you an idea of the most popular products for the holidays.

Infographics: To provide our customers with as much information about our toys as possible, we have designed multiple infographics that give an in-depth guide the dimensions of our products. Check out the following graphs to find the answer you were looking for:

Happy shopping and remember, if you ever have any questions about our products, you can give us a call at 866-429-5200 (M-F, 8-5 ET). Please note, we will be closed on Christmas day to spend the holiday with our families.

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