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Valentine's Day Crafts and Traditions


Written by Tonia as a part of the We’re Moms Too series

Picture it…Valentine’s Day…1980 something. Excitement fills the classroom as you enter with your book bag stuffed with cards you carefully selected and addressed for your classmates. Gleefully you walk around the room dropping them into each hand-crafted mailbox. Later in the day, room moms would magically appear with heart shaped cookies and punch and, if you were lucky, the class might get to play a Valentine themed game.

Sweet memories….

Fast forward to the modern day. My kids are in elementary school and the Valentine cards and mailboxes are far more elaborate and so are their parties. Pizza, snacks, goody bags and games occupy these little ones for the last hour of their school day before this holiday. My favorite part of class parties are the crafts. Usually it’s a cute idea that was plucked from thousands of pins on Pinterest. Thanks to this wonderful website, parents everywhere have creative ideas at their fingertips. Have a boat load of toilet paper rolls you need to re-purpose, why not make some Valentine owls? Do you have kids who love the Minions? Make their Valentine mailbox into a Minion! The possibilities are endless.

{click on the images to be directed to the instructions for each craft}

Owl Valentine Minion Valentine
Fox Valentine Pretzel hearts

This year we made the fox out of hearts!Valentine's Day Crafts
What are your favorite Valentine crafts?

About Tonia:
toniaTonia is a wife, mom of three energetic kiddos and two four legged friends who enjoys quiet walks in the aisles of Target. Born and raised in the Cleveland area, she is a sports fanatic who loves all things Nashville. Tonia is the Digital Analyst at Step2.

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