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Children’s New Year’s Resolutions

The year 2013 is almost here, which means we will begin to create our list of resolutions very soon. Even though many children may not understand what New Year’s resolutions are, we created a fun list that we bet parents would be jumping for joy over if their children actually resolved to do these things (we know we would!):

  • I will not throw food or toys at my brother/sister
  • When I scream about something, I won’t shriek or make my parents jump out of their skin
  • I will work on trying to understand what the word “no” means (but all I can do is “try”)
  • I will say thank you more
  • I will not color on objects that are not meant to be colored on
  • I will not leave my toys out where my parents can trip on them
  • I will not be the pickiest eater that my parents know
  • I will not lose interest in anything my parents buy me for at least a month
  • I will not ask silly questions that no one can answer but me
  • I will give more hugs and kisses each and every year

What resolution would add to this list for your child?

Have a Happy New Year!

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