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4 Fun Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

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There is nothing better than getting the family around the Thanksgiving table to share in a good meal. However, the time leading up to the meal can often be stressful, especially if you have little ones. The hours that you spend in the kitchen prepping the meal leaves a lot of empty time for kids to get bored and antsy.

The best way to get a feast on the dinner table on time is to plan ahead – not just for cooking, but also for keeping your little ones entertained. Here are four fun Thanksgiving activities for kids to keep them happy and occupied until dinner time.

1. Create a Thanksgiving centerpiece

Every elegant table needs a fantastic centerpiece. Send your little ones outside to gather leaves, twigs, and other natural wonders they can find to make the perfect focal point for your festive family table. Set up paint, glue and other art supplies on their craft table so they can piece the centerpiece together. Not only will it keep them entertained, but they will also love to see their creation at the center of the Thanksgiving meal.

2. Decorate a tasty dessert

Your little ones can help out in the kitchen without getting in the way of your food prep. Make sugar cookies for your little ones to decorate – use bird, pumpkin, and leaf-shaped cookie cutters to fit the Thanksgiving theme. Lay out sprinkles and decorative frosting on a side table, and let your kids get creative with cookie decorating. An art project that they can eat afterwards? In their eyes, there’s nothing better!

3. Cook their own Thanksgiving feast

For kids who are at the stage where they want to mimic everything you do, set them up to make their own Thanksgiving dinner. Write a list of popular Thanksgiving dishes for them, bring their play kitchen close to the actual kitchen, and turn them loose. They can copy your cooking and baking without getting in the way or wandering too close to hot pans and trays. Set aside a few minutes before the meal to let them serve you their Thanksgiving creations.

4. Send them on a Thanksgiving adventure

If you need an empty house to concentrate, send your kids out on an adventure with visiting family. Whether they head to the bowling alley, catch a movie at your local theater, or explore an indoor amusement park, having the house to yourself can sometimes be the biggest help. You can have the meal waiting for them when they get back without having to juggle food prep and hungry kids all afternoon, and they’ll love hanging out with extended family during their special Thanksgiving activity.

Thanksgiving is an exciting time for kids – what’s not to love about tons of delicious food and sweets? Sometimes, however, their excitement can lead to stress for you as you try to manage meal prep and enthusiastic kids. These Thanksgiving activities for kids will let your little ones channel their excitement into something fun and productive, and let you focus on preparing an amazing meal for family and friends.

Step2 has a range of toys to help keep your kids occupied with fun Thanksgiving activities. Explore the options today!

fun thanksgiving activities for kids

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