Just BeCause | Thoughtful Thursday

Gift Giving Celebration

If you had to guess, what do you think a child’s favorite part of their birthday would be? The one obvious answer is presents! 10-year-old Abby Grubbs didn’t care about presents for herself as she turned another year older. In honor of her birthday, she wanted to donate presents to the Lutheran Children’s Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Abby knows what it’s like to be bored at a hospital with few toys to place with. She just wrapped up a her leukemia treatment after two and a half years. It’s her mission to let children suffering from an illness know that they will get through this and they’ll be ok.

Abby Grubbs gives away toys to sick children.Photo by: Today.com (courtesy of Abby’s mom, Sherry)

Besides just donating toys to this hospital, Abby went to deliver them alongside some local actors that dressed up as characters from “The Little Mermaid.” In addition to giving toys to the kiddos at the Lutheran Children’s hospital, she also requested that any money that would have been spent on birthday gifts, be given two Kate’s Kart, an organization that provides free books to kids at hospitals and Energized by Ebony, which provides activities and crafts.

This Thoughtful Thursday, we’re wishing Abby a happy belated birthday and commending her for the generosity and hope she’s provided to several children.

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