Indoor Toys | My Clubhouse

Step2 Featured in 2012 Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids

Toy Guide

Over two decades ago Toys “R” Us introduced their Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids as a resource for parents of children with special needs. In 2012, Step2’s LifeStyle Legacy Kitchen and My Clubhouse were chosen for the Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids. The toys that were selected for the Guide have been evaluated by the National Lekotek Center, a non-profit organization that believes children of all abilities should be able to play with toys. In the guide, there are symbols located near each toy displayed, which represent the skills that the product helps to develop in children.

toy guide
The LifeStyle Legacy Kitchen was chosen because it encourages social interactions between siblings and friends as they share play kitchen accessories and appliances. Also, it helps children who are working on standing, by repositioning themselves between the two counter heights.

The My Clubhouse was chosen because children can develop their motor skills by navigating through the space of the playhouse. Children can also develop their thinking and creative skills by the natural play setting My Clubhouse provides.

Thank you to Toys “R” US and the National Lekotek Center for including the LifeStyle Legacy Kitchen and My Clubhouse in this year’s guide. It has been an honor to be in theguidefor the last two years. Step2 strives to create toys that children of all abilities can play with and we will continue to do this because everyone plays!

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