Would you like an appreciation day dedicated to someone special in your life? The football team at Williams School in Bridgewater, Massachusetts decided to do just that by devoting a day to one of their beloved classmates. In an effort to stop their water boy Danny Keefe from being bullied, the fifth grade football team created a day called
Danny Appreciation Day.

Six-year-old Danny has overcome many hardships during his lifetime. Danny struggles with a speech condition that was caused due to a brain hemorrhage at birth. Yet, he does not let his speech impediment bother him; he is a bright and cheery young man that is adored by his peers. By choice, Danny wears a suit and tie to school every day. The football team thought it would be a good idea on Danny Appreciation Day to also wear a suit and tie and stand by his side to show that Danny is just like everyone else.
This Thoughtful Thursday, we honor Danny and the Badgers football team for taking a stand against bullying and promoting acceptance for children of all abilities.