Just BeCause | kindness

Birthday Surprise

Thoughtful Thursday

Receiving tons of cards on your birthday can definitely make you feel loved. For 10-year-old Bennett, this might be the best birthday yet because his friend Max managed to give him 2,000 cards for his special day. Two year ago, Bennett was diagnosed with leukemia and it has been a battle for him and his family, but he has remained positive through everything.

Max was able to gather cards and spread the word about Bennett’s birthday thanks to an organization he and his mom created called Catching Joy. This organization encourages kids to volunteer their time to spread joy to others. Before Max knew it, he had received over 2,000 handmade cards from all over the world.

Bennett was shocked that he received so many cards on his birthday. We hope Bennett had a wonderful birthday and enjoys reading all of his cards. Our wishes are with him as he completes his final rounds of cancer treatment this June. This Thoughtful Thursday is dedicated to Max and Bennett – best friends that would do anything to make each other happy.

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