A tragedy that hits close to home for Step2 was the Chardon High School shooting that occurred one year ago. Although precious lives were lost, the community of Chardon has held strong during this difficult year. Yesterday, Wednesday February 27, 2013, the students of Chardon walked to Chardon Square in memory of the fallen classmates. This act of kindness shows the compassion and dedication of these young people when it comes to honoring students whose lives were cut short.
The first winner of this scholarship will be awarded in May 2013. This would have been the year that Parmertor graduated. These acts of kindness prove the love this community has for one another. As the German and French philosopher, Albert Schweitzer once said, “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”
*Thoughtful Thursdays will be a new segment on the Step2 blog to honor people in the news that take time out of their lives to help others. Any act of kindness is inspirational and generous. This is a day at Step2, we would like to say thanks to the compassionate people of the world.