baseball | Just BeCause


Thoughtful thursday teammates
Kyle Byrd, a five-year-old boy with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), had his wish granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America to play baseball with the Arizona Diamondbacks. During Kyle’s visit to Phoenix Chase Field, he received a personalized baseball practice with some of the Diamondback players, a tour of the clubhouse and partook in a team picture before their batting practice. To top off this special day, he threw out the first pitch for the Diamondbacks against the Colorado Rockies!

Both Kyle and his sister Laura have SMA Type II. They are bound to their motorized wheelchairs, but are able to move with a range of upper-body motions and breathe on their own. Despite having SMA Type II, their eager and positive attitudes have helped keep them strong and enjoy each and every day.


Photo Credit: ESPN

This Thoughtful Thursday is dedicated to the Arizona Diamondback’s newest player, Kyle. American author H. Jackson Brown, Jr. once said, “Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” Kyle has proven that he will never let the odds keep him down. He is always ready to make his dreams come true.

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