Here at Step2, not only are we moms but we also were at one time (or are) kids who love spending time with our parents. There are many stories we look forward to sharing with you with our installation of “We’re Kids Too” which is a series based off of “We’re Moms Too.” We look forward to sharing the love, lessons, and laughs remembering our childhood brings.
By: Nicole
It is hard to believe that a little over a year ago, I graduated from college and started my journey to finding a career. As I was taking the steps toward being an adult, I made the decision to move back home with my mom, in order to become financially stable. Coming back home also meant that I would be able to bond more with my mom after not being home as much during the past four years.
I am not sure how many college grads are excited to move back home after a few years of freedom, but I was the happiest daughter in the world. However, it has been a year and times have changed. I love my mom just as much as I always have, but I now feel secure and responsible enough to be on my own. Anyone who knows me, knows that the bond I have with my mom is extremely strong and making the decision to move out was very hard for me.
I come from a single parent household and the last thing I want to do is make my mother feel alone when she has provided me with shelter, an opportunity to further my education, and most importantly the love only an amazingly strong woman could provide.
When I decided to tell my mom that I was moving out, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Although it saddened me to break the news to her, I believe that we both felt it was for the best. We both know that it will strengthen our relationship further because we will not be around each other as often.
My mother is my best friend and I firmly believe she is the best mom in the world. She has been my biggest inspiration to succeed while still being a shoulder to cry on when I have felt defeated in the past. My time at home after college has taught me a lot about the person I am and the person I want to become. During this year, I learned how important it is to not spend my money frivolously. Someday, I will have a lot more important obligations to spend my money on, such as a family of my own. I also began appreciating how much my mom has done for me over the years. She has done everything she could to make sure I have been taken care of and that most importantly, I am happy. Honestly, I feel blessed to have someone that cares about me as much as my mom does. I hope someday I am at least as half as wonderful as my mom is.
So to my mom, this is not goodbye and this is not me leaving because I do not love you. This is me saying and knowing that based on the lessons you have instilled in me, that I am a strong woman like you and I feel capable of being on my own. Thank you for everything you have done for me and all you will do for me in the future. There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe the love I have for you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to find myself. You are my rock and I hope you know that no matter where I live, where you live, will always be my home. I love you, I love you, I love you!

About Nicole
Nicole is a DIY advocate (thanks to Pinterest) and amateur chef (also thanks to Pinterest). Still taking life one step at a time after graduating almost a year ago, she loves receiving advice about life from her mother, who is her best friend. She is a lover of all things Cleveland and loves going to the new restaurants and attractions around town. Nicole is the Internet Marketing Specialist at Step2.