crafts | DIY

Mail Delivery for Playhouses!

mail delivery button

This month is all about summertime fun and incorporating outdoor and imaginative play. Playing in a playhouse is a great way for toddlers and preschoolers to develop their imaginations while they spend time in the backyard. We have an easy craft for you and your family to create that will go perfectly with your child’s playhouse.

Mail Delivery_1_

Recently, we’ve had customers ask if we have mail that goes with our playhouses. At this time we don’t have mail; however, one of our crafty consumer service representatives Sandy decided to create something special for our customers to design at home!

Here’s what you’ll need:


  1. Trace the 3” x 5” note card onto a foam sheet. Cut out the traced portion of the sheet to achieve the postcard size that will fit into the Step2 playhouse mail slots.
  2. Decorate the postcards with the foam letter and animal stickers. This is a great exercise to teach little ones how to spell their names if they want to address the cards to themselves.
  3. Decorate the tote bag with the same materials from the previous step.
  4. Place the postcards into the tote bag and your kids are ready to deliver mail!

mail and mail bag instructions


Many of our playhouses have mail slots that are compatible with this DIY craft:

This project is a blast for the whole family to enjoy! Plus, it will provide kids with hours of pretend play fun. Even though we decided to decorate our postcards with the materials and instructions above, there are other cute ways to create kid’s postcards. Check out how A Million Moments and See Vanessa Craft designed their own envelopes.

Happy crafting!

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