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Summertime Recap

I thought I would put together a top ten list of things I have especially enjoyed about this summer and maybe you have too! Some of these are usual reasons for enjoying summertime, while other reasons are more personal to me, especially this summer.

10) Wonderful, hot, glorious drought, boating weather.

9) Staying up late – this meant longer days with my kids, an extra bed time story, and more bath time.

8) Loosing a first tooth – Ryan lost his first tooth this summer, specifically August 2. He just tugged it out when he was brushing his teeth. He didn’t care about his tooth fairy money. He wanted to keep the tooth.

7) Blond curls – enough said.

6) Toddler pronunciations like – “sandbok,” “uside,” “shooooting star,” “baving suit,” “waydee bug,” “pop-i-cle.” These are the ones I don’t need to translate. There are many more but I’d have to do some serious translating.

5) Tiny feet in flip flops, crocks and bare feet.

4) Ok, this is really sentimental, but I love seeing the sunshine reflect off Brady’s eye lashes. I can see a hint of red in his eyelashes and I want to just kiss them!

3) Hunting for ladybugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars, spiders, salamanders and frogs. We haven’t found any frogs yet this summer but are doing really good on everything else.

2) Tanned backs and white tushies.

1) Watching “firsts” happen, first events that can only take place during the summer. Such occurrences as: catching a fish, going tubing, jet skiing, riding a roller coaster, camping, and riding on a Ferris Wheel.

These are the highlights of my summer, what were your summertime favorites?

Sara is an on the go – down to earth Momma, married to a Marine and the mother of two get dirty wild and crazy, play in the mud boys. She loves Michael Jackson, dancing and spending time with her family. She is honored to be able to teach her little guys about the world around them, about kindness love and the human spirit. For fun, she loves to make jewelry, shop, ski and spend time outdoors getting dirty with her boys. Sara is a Sr. Product Manager at Step2.

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