About Us | Everybody Plays

The Power & Influence of Moms

I know for sure something that enriches my life and something I could not live without – Moms! The amount of information that I have learned from other Mom’s and the amount of love, happiness, fears and hardships that that other Mom’s have shared with me is much more than a college course, a parenting lesson, or even a semester class could have taught me! I am a huge fan of all Moms, Grandmother’s, single Mom’s, adoptive Mom’s, working Mom’s and stay-at-home Mom’s.

We all have a story- a story full of heart.

In October I was blessed with the opportunity to travel on two business trips – both wonderful, both Moms focused!

The first opportunity took me out to San Diego, to work with Infantino at our second annual “Everybody Plays” photo shoot, featuring Kelle Hampton as photographer. http://www.kellehampton.com/2012/10/everybody-plays.html

I was able to meet with the women (all were Mom’s) who helped to orchestrate, organize and pioneer this wonderful event. Kelle was of course amazing and getting to know her was something I will cherish and appreciate. The Everybody Plays shoot is a photo shoot that highlights and celebrates the ways children play; children with all different abilities. Kids are kids no matter what their abilities and it’s fun to celebrate their individuality. Step2 and Infantino sponsored this event and will be featuring these beautiful children on packaging, marketing campaigns, and on any graphic or signage needs. It is hard to express how astounding this event was. There are lots of breathtaking photos on-line. Here are some I took with my phone but don’t do the children justice. Through this event I met amazing Moms. One Mom was caring for a baby named Genevieve who has spinal bifida. She learned of this when her husband was in Afghanistan. He came home for the birth and is still in Afghanistan. She was excited to meet Kelle. I hope to be involved in this Everybody Plays shoot every year! This year it was on the news and positively affected hundreds of Moms and families. My heart grew from attending the event!

The second trip I took was to Chicago for Marketing to Moms. Moms are all that and a bag of chips. We also have $2.4 Trillion in buying power in the US. Each seminar was filled with insights on Mom’s, what she wants for her kids, all she does in a day, and how important her decision making is when it comes to the household budget.

Cheers to all Moms! You are amazing and you can do it all because you do!

Sara is an on the go – down to earth Momma, married to a Marine and the mother of two get dirty wild and crazy, play in the mud boys. She loves Michael Jackson, dancing and spending time with her family. She is honored to be able to teach her little guys about the world around them, about kindness love and the human spirit. For fun, she loves to make jewelry, shop, ski and spend time outdoors getting dirty with her boys. Sara is a Sr. Product Manager at Step2.

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